sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

Noah Francis Johnson

Hace un mes acudí al concierto de Noah Francis que tuvo lugar en la discoteca El Divino de Santander. 

Este apasionado del blues y el soul presentó su nuevo disco 'Tiger bay' en una gira con la que recorrerá siete ciudades españolas.

Metallica, Lenny Kravitz o David Bowie son algunos de los artistas con los que ha trabajado el galés Noah Francis Johnson durante su larga carrera musical.

De España le gusta todo. "Es el mejor sitio del mundo para vivir", explica Noah. Además, admira a Bisbal, a Julio Iglesias y a su hijo Enrique, como él mismo asegura. 

El concierto tuvo una gran acogida, El Divino se lleno de rostros conocidos y fans del cantante. El ambiente fue muy personal, acompañado de un guitarrista, una violonchelista y un virtuoso de la armónica. Noah nos hizo disfrutar de su increíble voz con versiones de canciones muy conocidas.

Fotos cedidas por Charo Ibañez Alonso e InTheNight.es, muchas gracias!!

1 comentarios:

  1. Hi Paula,

    My name is Joe, from Hong Kong. I and two friends just set up an Asian fashion designer platform named "Cross The Line". (http://www.crossthelinex.com), where we gather up-and-coming designers based in Asia. Understand that you share fashion and lifestyle topics on your blog"Cosmopolitan at Midnight", so I would like to introduce our Asian fashion designer platform to you and want to know how you feel about the style of our website. Also, this would be great if you could feature our concept and idea as i think our website matches your style and personality. We would love to share your blog on our social media channels as well. Hope this would let more people know both your blog and our website. Thank you in advance.

    Below, please find some information about Cross The Line.

    -- Cross The Line --

    Cross The Line launched in early August. We aim to promote Asian up-and-coming fashion designers. As you can see from our website (http://www.crossthelinex.com/all-designer), 11 designers (6 from Hong Kong; 5 from Taiwan) have joined us. And we will have more designers from other countries in Asia in the fourth quarter.

    We share fashion inspiration and stories every month (e.g., "Bold Statement" for June; "Shade of Blue" for July; "Frozen Floral" for August; our September stories will be posted this week) and feature up-and-coming fashion designers and their products on our front page. You can refer to this link (http://www.crossthelinex.com/all-inspiration) for details.

    Thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you. Please let me know if you have any enquiries.

    Cross The Line
    Asian Fashion Designer Platform

    Facebook:  www.facebook.com/crossthelinex
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/crossthelinex
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Crosstheline14


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